Our mission is to provide scholarships to deserving Orthodox Christian college students in the greater Columbus area who attend St. Gregory’s of Nyssa Orthodox Church. Orthodox Christian college students must qualify for scholarships by both attendance and participation at St. Gregory's.
The committee recognizes the importance for students to practice their Orthodox faith by committing to attendance and service in their adopted parish while away from home.
We believe the program nurtures students while they are away from home, providing the opportunity for life-long friendships and a social outlet among other Orthodox students and parishioners.
Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis on Scholarship Sunday to undergraduate and graduate students as well as to those pursuing specialization in their professional field through a college or university in the Columbus area. Our home parish high school graduates, college graduates, and those graduating who have regularly attended St. Gregory’s during their tenure in Columbus are also honored on this Sunday.
Amounts of scholarships are determined by annual interest from trust funds, donations, and fundraisers. The number of attending students impacts the yearly figures. Interest gained from trust funds is designated for scholarships. The icons presented to graduating students are purchased from donations and/or fundraisers.