Specifically, the “Protection of the Theotokos” prayer group prays for the clergy and parishioners of St. Gregory of Nyssa and all Orthodox churches everywhere, those celebrating birthdays and anniversary’s that week, those who are with child, those who are sick and suffering, those in need of our Lord’s saving mercy and strength, guidance and direction, those who are catechumens, those who have fallen asleep in the Lord, for this country, its leaders, civil authorities, armed forces and all the people, remembering especially those currently in such positions, for those traveling and also for all whom we have not remembered, for the Lord knows each person, their calling, temptations and needs, we ask that He have mercy upon the whole world and all the people.
The Prayer Group is assisted by about 19 members who take requests from anyone. The group often prays for people around the world, including Greece, Russia and Iraq.
Prayer requests can be placed on a request form found at the back of the church.
Prayer requests may be related to:
- Anniversaries and Birthdays
- Those who are pregnant
- Health
- Comfort
- Strength and Guidance
- Catechumens
- Departed
- and Traveling
The requests are distributed to the members of the group who are asked to pray at home as often as they are able for those on their list.
Typically, between 80 and 100 people are on the Prayer List.
The group serves as an important part of the parish. Both those who have received prayers and those who have requested them are thankful for the prayers and indicate how much help has been noticed.