This magazine was motivated by the assumption that laymen can effect positive changes in the Church by assisting young men and women through a college scholarship program.

St Gregory, Nyssa Magazine

A Publication of St Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio

This magazine was motivated by the assumption that laymen can effect positive changes in the Church by assisting young men and women through a college scholarship program.

Essentially, Saint Gregory, Nyssa is a collaborative, volunteer effort from members of the St. Gregory of Nyssa parish in Columbus, Ohio.

At the heart of this laymen’s initiative is a trust from which scholarships will be awarded annually to Orthodox Christian men and women in the North and Central Americas. The trust will be grown from the bequests, gifts and pledges of believers from all jurisdictions of Orthodoxy in America. Scholarships from the trust will expand the pool of educated believers from whom future clergy, bishop and lay leaders will emerge. The project is a way to keep you in touch with the scholarship program and to raise support on its behalf.

As funds are available, we hope to publish future issues, delivering stories with topics such as the music of the Church, iconography, the Eucharist and stewardship, among others, written by authors who know their subjects.

We hope you find enjoyment as you read. If we stir thoughts about assisting our scholarship trust, we will have fulfilled our mission.